Last month to everyone’s surprise, Nintendo announced a new Labo kit that basically introduced virtual reality (VR) features to the Switch. Given that the last time Nintendo attempted anything VR was with the Virtual Boy, it did come out of the blue. For those who need more reason to pick up the Labo kit, Nintendo has announced some updates for their existing games.

If you own The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and/or Super Mario Odyssey, Nintendo has announced that they will be updating both games where they will now support VR on the Labo kit. With Super Mario Odyssey, the update is expected to add three new mini-missions where users will be able to collect musical notes and coins, while Breath of the Wild will give users the ability to active the Toy-Con VR Goggles.

While both games have been out for a while now, the good news with the update, it should introduce a new gaming experience, meaning that maybe it could be a good time to revisit these titles. Of course, you will need to own the VR Labo kit to begin with, which is currently set for a release on the 12th of April.

It is a relatively inexpensive kit compared to other VR solutions at $80, although given that it is largely made out of cardboard, it might not be as durable. However, the advantage is that it can be formed into many shapes for different types of games, making it a much more dynamic kit.

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