Now according to Microsoft, the company has announced some improvements they have made to the app where it will now be able to describe photos on the phone to the user by them touching it. According to Microsoft, “Leveraging the Custom Vision Service in tandem with the Computer Vision API, this new feature enables users to tap their finger to an image on a touch-screen to hear a description of objects within an image and the spatial relationship between them.”
Microsoft has also announced that they will now be bringing support onto the iPad which means that if you prefer using the app on a larger device, then the iPad is an option to check out. “iPad support is particularly important to individuals using Seeing AI in academic or other professional settings where they are unable to use a cellular device.”
We expect that these won’t be the only improvements Microsoft will be making, but these are some of the latest ones so do update the app if you’d like to get access to all of the new features.