The wonderful thing about apps such as IFTTT is that it allows users to automate certain aspects of their smartphone. Previously the app had worked with Gmail where users could use a variety of recipes with the app, but unfortunately due to changes Google made to their API ecosystem, it has resulted in a few Gmail related recipes being broken.

In a post on its website, IFTTT confirms that certain Gmail recipes that require triggers or “Create a draft” action will be removed from IFTTT. However they note that “Send an email” and “Send yourself an email” will continue to remain in fact. According to IFTTT, it seems that they had to talk to Google in order to maintain these two actions.

They add, “The changes being made to Gmail would have required massive refactoring in how we integrated Gmail with the IFTTT platform. It would have created a lot more overhead than we had before, and the experience for users would have been degraded as a result. These updates would have made continuing to maintain the Gmail service unsustainable.”

We have seen how Google has in the past made exceptions to certain apps when it comes to making changes to Android, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem like it in this case. It is a bit unfortunate and who knows, maybe IFTTT will find a workaround in the future, but for now if you do use those triggers, it’s time to start getting used to not using them.

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