Nintendo is absolutely killing it in the home console market at the moment with the Switch and its games selling pretty well, making the failure of the Wii U a very distant memory. The company has also in recent years embraced mobile gaming, something that they had refused to do in the past.

As if to show their commitment to the mobile space, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa spoke to Japanese publication Kyoto Shimbun (via Nintendo Everything) where he revealed the company’s plans to release anywhere between 2-3 mobile titles a year. He also clarified that the company had no plans to solely work on smartphone games.

This seemed to be in response to a recent article where some had misinterpreted Furukawa’s comments about Nintendo’s future. Furukawa had previously stated that in the future, perhaps a very distant future, Nintendo could be a company that no longer made home consoles. This was more of a comment on how he envisions Nintendo being a flexible company that can adapt to change, and it is not a sign that the company plans on stopping what they’re doing anytime soon.

Furukawa adds, “We don’t intend for Switch games to play like smartphone games, or vice versa. Our goal is to get people interested in Nintendo’s characters and increase our fanbase.” At this point in time it is unclear what mobile titles the company has planned for this year, but we do know that there is a Mario Kart title for mobile phones that is in the works that is planned for a release by March 2019.

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