In an announcement on Twitter, Nintendo has confirmed that the game’s release will now be delayed till the summer. Presumably this is because the game might need a bit more polish ahead of its launch. While this is a bummer, at the same time we can appreciate the extra work that Nintendo is putting into it.
So far Nintendo’s mobile releases has been a bit of a mixed bag. The Miitomo, which was the company’s first mobile game, kind of flopped not too long after its launch. Super Mario Run, which was basically Super Mario for mobile, also did not do as well as Nintendo had hoped, presumably due to its price tag of $10 to unlock all the levels which some felt was a bit too expensive.
Like we said, it is unclear how Mario Kart Tour will be played on mobile so we’ll just have to wait and see. It also seems like it could be adopting Super Mario Run’s model of being free-to-start.
スマートフォン向けアプリ『マリオカート ツアー』は、アプリの品質向上および配信後のサービス内容拡充のため、配信予定を2019年夏とさせていただきます。
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) January 31, 2019