These capsule offices can be found in East Japan Railway’s Tokyo, Shinjuku, and Shinagawa Stations. Known as “Station Work”, these are little pods that can be used for free and up to 30 minutes at a time. Each pod will provide the user with WiFi, a desk, a monitor, and also USB charging outlets.
This means that if you need a place to get some work done quickly and privately, then these Station Works could be for you. Those who are interested can sign up for an account via the Station Work website and once you’re all signed up, you can then select the pod that you want to use from the location of your choice and select a time (assuming it’s not already booked).
According to SoraNews24 who tried the pods out for themselves, they claim that these pods actually boast pretty decent sound isolation which should help if you want to make a private call or if you don’t want the bustling sounds of the train station to distract you from your work. Like we said, the Station Work is free but it is unclear if there are plans to eventually make it a chargeable service.