Google Drive has a problem, but not so much in terms of functionality and features, but rather the abuse of one of its features that has resulted in what many consider to be spam. A report from How-To-Geek revealed that Google Drive has a spam problem, where anyone can share files and documents with you as long as they have your email address.

When this happens, files will automatically appear in your Drive account. The other problem is that these files cannot be fully removed either, and at most you can hide it but it will still show up if you search for it. Thankfully Google is aware of the issue and in a statement made to the publication, Google claims that they will be looking into it.

According to a statement made by a spokesperson, “For the vast majority of users, the default sharing permissions in Drive work as intended. Unfortunately, this was not the case for this user and we sincerely apologize for her experience. In light of this issue, we are evaluating changes to our spam, abuse, and blocking features that will prevent this kind of activity from taking place on Drive.”

Google is also advising users to just remove themselves from these shared folders until a more permanent solution can be had. “In the interim, users who are experiencing similar issues can remove themselves from the folder, and the folder should not reappear in either “My Drive” or “Shared with Me” unless they revisit it.”

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