Designing has come a long way from the early days where designers pretty much only had pen and paper. These days there is software that helps designers draw, someone of them also offer up 3D modeling that helps a designer get a better overall picture of what the end product is supposed to look like.

Now it seems that Ford might be taking design to the next level because the company has started to experiment with Gravity Sketch. This is a tool that allows designers to design in virtual reality, which means that like 3D modeling, it will let designs get a better perspective on their drawings and it could actually be more immersive as VR will help them feel like they are there.

Typically the design process of a car starts with a 2D sketch, after which it is scanned into a computer where 3D renders are created. However by using Gravity Sketch, some parts of the process can be skipped entirely which would save designers a lot of time. It will also allow them some unique perspectives, such as stepping into the driver or passenger’s seat.

That being said, it might be a while before we start seeing Ford cars rolled out to the market that were designed in Gravity Sketch. The company is exploring the possibilities at the moment and depending on feedback, may or may not proceed with using it full time.

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