If you’re a fan of Nintendo’s amiibos, whether it be for collection purposes or because of certain perks it can unlock in games, then you might be very interested in an extremely limited edition Super Smash Bros. Ultimate bundle that was recently unveiled over on Amazon Japan (via Polygon).

According to the listing, this particular bundle of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will come with a whopping 63 amiibos bundled together in the game, which presumably are all amiibos based on characters available in the game. Given that the current roster boasts 74 playable characters, this means that there could be an additional 11 characters that have yet to be revealed.

Unfortunately for those who want to get their hands on it, it should be noted that it could be difficult namely because this bundle seems to be only offered in Japan and US retailers have yet to list it themselves. Secondly like we said it is extremely limited as apparently only 50 bundles will be made, which means that it will probably be snapped up in an instant.

Hopefully Nintendo sees fit to launch it in the US and other parts of the world, but until they do we suggest that you not get your hopes up just yet. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is currently set for a release on the 7th of December.

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