According to Mohamadali, he claims that after updating to the latest version of iOS, his iPhone X suddenly got hot and exploded. As you can tell from the photos below, this was no small explosion as it seems that it was big enough to shatter the glass on the back of the phone, leaving a huge gaping hole.
Speaking to Gadgets 360, he said, “This year early January I bought the iPhone and have been using it normally. Dark grey smoke started coming from the phone. The update was completed and as soon as the phone turned on it started to smoke and caught fire.” He also claims that he was using an official Apple charger, which rules out any fault usually associated with third-party/unofficial chargers.
Apple Support has since responded to his tweet, claiming that this is not “expected behavior”, and that he should message them to resolve it. That being said, given that the iPhone X has been on the market for more than a year without any incident, it’s safe to say that this could be an isolated incident.