In a tweet by David Schuetz (via Cult of Mac), a computer security expert and iOS hacker, it seems that his son has managed to find a way around the Screen Time restrictions he placed on Safari. “So my eldest was watching videos when we checked on him in bed last night. And an hour later, he was doing it again. Turns out, he figured out you can force-quit Safari and the Screen Time limit isn’t checked at the next launch.”
This isn’t even that much of a hack or workaround to begin with as force-quitting apps is a readily-available feature built into iOS. What’s interesting is that this is actually not the first time we’ve heard how kids have managed to bypass the restrictions, so based on this recent discovery, it looks like Apple needs to do more work if they’re serious about the digital wellness of its users. We’re not sure if and when Apple will address this issue but we reckon it’s not exactly a priority fix.
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