As many have heard by now, Disney will be launching their own video streaming service in 2019. Details about the service such as pricing or a specific launch date remain scarce, but at least we now know the name of it, which according to an announcement by the company, will be officially known as Disney+.

The choice of the name actually doesn’t come as a surprise when you consider that Disney’s sports network, ESPN, also has its own streaming service that is called ESPN+, so like we said it doesn’t come as a shock that Disney is keeping to the “plus” naming scheme that they have adopted.

As expected, Disney+ will be home to the company’s various franchises, including Disney shows, Marvel shows, and also Star Wars shows, just to name a few of the expected franchises that customers can look forward to. Its website also suggests that we can look forward to shows from Pixar as well as the National Geographic.

Like we said, Disney has not confirmed when the service will be launching except that it will take place in 2019. For those who are interested, you can head on over to its website where you can leave your email address to be notified of updates and when the service does go live.

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