Most of the time video games that are adapted into movies or made into series don’t usually do well, but yet based on the reviews, Netflix’s Castlevania series seems to be extremely well-received, so much so that the series has been confirmed for a third season. Now it looks like the producer behind the series, Adi Shankar, could be working on another adaptation.

In a report from TheWrap, it seems that Shankar is currently in talks to produce another animated series for The Legend of Zelda franchise by Nintendo. Shankar has confirmed that he is working on a video game adaptation in a post on Instagram in which he says that he is “working with an iconic Japanese gaming company to adapt one of their iconic video game series into a series.”

He does not explicitly mention the Zelda franchise by name, but TheWrap has learned from their sources that it will be based on the classic Nintendo franchise. Nintendo has responded to TheWrap’s request for a comment, in which a spokesperson said, “We have nothing to announce on this topic.”

According to Shankar, the official reveal is set for the 16th of November so we won’t have to wait too long to find out what it will be about. At this point in time details are scarce so whether or not this series is expected to debut on Netflix as well remains to be seen.

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