For those who are fans of Telltale’s The Walking Dead series of games, you might have been disappointed to learn that the studio will be closing down, and that at one point in time it was suggested that the game might not be completed. This is a shame since the game was on its final season.

However the other day it was reported that Telltale was looking to find another studio to finish it off, and now the folks at Skybound Games have announced via Twitter that they will be the one picking up the rest of the game. For those who are unfamiliar, this is actually pretty happy news and in many ways rather appropriate.

Skybound Games is a division of Skybound Entertainment that is owned by Robert Kirkman, who many The Walking Dead fans might recognize as the creator of the original comic series that was eventually adapted to TV and also games. So like we said, in many ways it seems rather appropriate that they will be wrapping the series up.

According to previous reports, there is apparently not much work left to do anyway. Episode 2 was recently released and apparently episode 3 is done and just needs some polishing, which means that it is only episode 4 that needs to be worked on. No word on when we can expect to see the release of the final episodes but we’ll keep our eyes peeled.

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