The DeX mode on Samsung’s recent flagship smartphones and the Galaxy Tab S4 enable the device to power a PC-like experience on an external monitor. It wasn’t possible to do that previously unless you were using the official dock but Samsung has made it much easier with the Galaxy Note 9 and Galaxy Tab S4. All you need now to run DeX using those devices is a simple USB-C to HDMI cable. It appears Samsung is working on eventually eliminating the need for this cable as well.
The DeX accessory normally cost around $100 and that’s not the kind of money that people just interested in checking this experience out would likely spend. Samsung will be able to get a lot more people to use DeX now that it has switched to a single cable.
I use a third-party USB-C to HDMI cable to power DeX on my Galaxy Note 9 and it works flawlessly. A Samsung moderator has mentioned on the company’s official EU forums that the DeX is working on wireless connection for the platform.
They need to make some improvements first but at least it has been acknowledged that wireless DeX is being considered. This will enable a lot more people to experience DeX and get more productivity out of their devices.
Filed in Samsung.
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