Pizza, especially really good ones, are so readily available that the only reason you’d want to make one for yourself at home is because you want to have better control over the ingredients, or maybe you’re living in a place where there is no good pizza around you. However making your own pizza isn’t as simple as tossing it into the oven.

There is a reason why many legit pizza restaurants take pride in their ovens as a good oven is key to creating an amazing pie, but Breville is hoping that they’ve solved that by launching the Smart Oven Pizzaiolo. This is a countertop pizza oven that the company claims is able to create quality pizza that you might expect from larger and maybe even commercial ovens.

This is achieved through a three-element heating system where one heating element is under the pizza stone. This is designed to char the crust of the pizza, while the other two are placed on top of the oven in a concentric circle. While we can’t attest to the quality of the pizzas made by the oven, Fast Company’s Mark Wilson seems to have had a very positive experience with the oven, although we suppose other variables such as your dough quality and quality of ingredients will play a role in determining how good your pizza will be.

That being said, the device does not come cheap and at $800, it definitely isn’t an appliance that you would buy on a whim. It should also be noted that this isn’t Breville’s first attempt at creating a countertop pizza oven, but could this Smart Oven Pizzaiolo be its best attempt yet? We suppose you’ll have to find out yourself.

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