Image credit – Chrome Story
On Android, users have the ability to add more than one Google account to their device. This means that you could have a phone that supports your personal use, work, and/or school. This also means that in some instances, you will be able to choose between using your accounts when it comes to downloading and/or purchasing apps.
For those who can appreciate this feature, you might be interested to learn that in a report from Chrome Story, it appears that similar functionality will be headed onto Chrome OS as well. The report points towards the latest version of Chrome OS in which in the options menu, there is a new option called “Google Accounts” under the “People” section.
Clicking on that went on to reveal that users had the option to add another account to their Chrome OS platform. It seems that while a second account could be added, the report from Chrome Story revealed that they could not get the feature to work when it comes to using this in apps, such as Gmail or Inbox.
However it has been pointed out that this particular version of Chrome OS is in the Canary channel, which means that these are experimental features that Google is toying around with. Sometimes these features don’t necessarily make the final cut, but like we said with Android having the ability to support multiple Google accounts, we don’t see why Chrome OS wouldn’t get a similar feature as well.