Apart from being known for their mirrorless cameras, Fujifilm also has a place amongst film lovers, such as with their Instax series of instant-print cameras. If the Instax is a series that you’re interested in, then you might want to check out the company’s latest Instax camera which comes in the form of the Instax Square SQ20.

For the most part the Instax Square SQ20 does what the other Instax cameras do, which is that they take a photo and print it on the spot. However the drawback to such cameras is that if you took a bad shot, it would be a waste of film, but that’s the problem that Fujifilm is hoping to have solved with the SQ20.

How they’ve done this is by creating a hybrid system in which your photos are basically stills from a video. Dubbed Motion Mode, basically this captures a video after which users can then scroll through the stills to choose the best frame, which according to Fujifilm will allow for more dynamic shots, and users will also get to pick the best frame to avoid wasting film which can get pretty expensive when you add it all up.

Other features include a zoom function, a Time Shift Collage that takes 4 images with a time lag, and also a self-shot mirror attached to the side of the lens that helps you frame selfies. Fujifilm does not mention how much the SQ20 will cost, but considering its predecessor the SQ10 cost $280, we expect the SQ20 to be priced along those lines. It is also currently set for a release on the 20th of October.

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