Fortnite battle royale developer Epic Games has confirmed that it’s adding portable rifts to the popular title. A portable rift will come to the aid of players that are caught out in the storm without a Jump Pad or ATK. They will be able to teleport above their current location and glide down when they use a portable rift.
These interdimensional rifts in Fortnite essentially act as portals that drop players from the sky. Epic Games is now making a version of the rift which players will be able to fit in their inventory.
The upcoming item was teased on Fortnite’s home screen recently. Rift-To-Go is described as “A rift you can carry in your pocket! Teleport above your current location and glide down.”
Players were largely using rifts for dropping out of the sky initially but they soon figured prominently during build battles or when players wanted to get back into the circle quickly. This may be what the portable rifts will largely be used for but it remains to be seen if it will be possible for multiple players to go through it.
The latest weekly updated for the game will be released tomorrow so we’ll find out then.