For those who enjoyed the first season of Castlevania on Netflix, chances are you are excited for the second season which last we heard was due for a release on the 26th of October later this year. However if you can’t wait that long, the good news is that Netflix has since published the official trailer for the second season which you can watch in the video above.

The trailer itself runs for about 2 minutes and will give you a good idea of what you might be able to expect from the new season. The first season of the series was admittedly short, but perhaps it was designed to test the waters and see how the public received the show. Thankfully season 2 will be longer at eight episodes for the whole season, although at around 20 minutes each it is still relatively short when you consider other series.

Netflix seems to be particularly optimistic about Castlevania as an animated series because last month, it was reported that a third season had already been confirmed. There is no mention of when the third season will launch, but with season 2 launching this year it’s not hard to imagine that season 3 will most likely launch in 2019 at the earliest.

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