A new system has reportedly been implemented in Rainbow Six Siege by Ubisoft which will automatically ban players who use toxic language in the game. According to reports, dozens of players have received automatic instant bans after they used a homophobic or racist slur in text chat. Ubisoft has since confirmed that a new auto-banning system has indeed gone live in Rainbox Six Siege.

Ubisoft has confirmed to PC Gamer that this new system will automatically ban players who use such toxic language in the game. The bans initially last for 27 minutes on the first instance and players are prevented from playing any aspect of the game, including custom games.

The duration is increased to two hours upon the second and third offense. An official investigation is conducted after the third offense which could lead to a permanent ban for the account as per the game’s Code of Conduct.

Ubisoft had actually revealed on its dev blog earlier this year in April that its team was creating an automated system which will censor text chat in the game based on a chat filter list.

“We will also be tracking the number of times players trigger this filter and will take action as necessary for players that are intentionally having a negative impact on other player’s gaming experience,” it said back then.

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