The BlackBerry KEY2 was officially launched not too long ago but in case the $650 price tag has put you off a bit from purchasing it, or if you simply wanted a more affordable BlackBerry handset, you might be pleased to learn that a potentially cheaper variant of the BlackBerry KEY2 could be in the works.

According to a recent FCC filing (via Android Police), it seems that a BlackBerry KEY2 LE could be in the works. There have been talks about a potentially more budget-friendly version of the KEY2 could be in development and this FCC filing at the very least confirms that there will be a variant of the KEY2.

Whether the LE stands for “Lite Edition” or “Limited Edition” is unclear, but if it is the latter then we can only assume that it will be maintaining its $650 price tag, or possibly be even more expensive due to its limited nature. Not much is known about the rumored cheaper KEY2 variant, but presumably we’re looking at scaled back hardware features such as a lower-end processor, less RAM, and maybe less native storage.

Either way we’ll have to wait for an official announcement from TCL before we can confirm anything, so take it with a grain of salt for now.

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