Last year when BlackBerry launched the KEYone, there were some issues with regards to its durability where based on tests, it was discovered that the screen could be easily unhinged when pressure was put on the phone to bend it. Subsequent models had this issue address, to the credit of its manufacturer TCL.

So the question is based on the findings of the durability of the KEYone, how does the recently launched KEY2 fare? Thanks to the folks at JerryRigEverything, we have an idea and if you don’t have the time to watch the entire video (it runs for almost 7 minutes), basically the tests the phone was put through proved that it is more sturdy than its predecessor.

Some of the changes that TCL made was using a flat glass that does not pool over the edges. While the curved edges do look more sleek, they do make it more prone to cracking, which the flat glass does away with. The chassis used is a 7000-series aluminum, and the material on the back is made from rubber which makes the device better and easier to hold.

It also seems to be better at withstanding the bend test without its display popping out, so kudos to TCL for remembering that key issue and addressing it in the KEY2. Of course there is more to a phone than just its durability but if you’re in it for the long haul, know that the KEY2 should be more than capable of withstanding a few knocks and bumps and then some.

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