Facebook Developing ‘Your Time On Facebook’ Feature

Many tech companies are building features into their services now so that their users can get more insights into the time that they’re spending. Google is building such features into Android and it was recently discovered that Instagram is developing this as well. Now it appears that its parent company is jumping on the bandwagon as well. An unreleased feature has been spotted in the Facebook app which reveals that the social network is building a “Your Time on Facebook” feature.

Jane Manchun Wong, an engineer who previously discovered this feature in the Instagram app, made this discovery in the Facebook app for Android. The screenshots show that the feature will inform users about the average time per day that they spent on Facebook in the last week.

The feature will also offer time management options so they can set reminders when they reach a daily limit and can also choose which Facebook notifications they receive. This information will help users manage the time that they spend on the site.

Facebook has since confirmed to TechCrunch that it’s developing this feature but the world’s largest social network hasn’t confirmed at this point in time when it’s going to launch this feature and whether it’s going to be released for all users.

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