Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will soon be heading to the European Parliament for a meeting which is likely going to touch on similar subjects that came up during his recent hearing before the United States Congress. The meeting was initially going to be conducted behind closed doors but after pressure from members of parliament and the public, Zuckerberg has agreed to having the meeting live-streamed online.

Zuckerberg appeared before Congress recently to ask questions after the data misuse scandal involving Cambridge Analytica was revealed. He had to answer questions about how Facebook collects data and what it does with all of that data. He also answered additional questions related to privacy protections and censorship.

A parliamentary committee in the United Kingdom has been trying to get the Facebook CEO to appear before it as well to answer its questions related to the data scandal. Zuckerberg has so far declined to appear even though the committee has threatened to issue a formal summons.

He will be heading to the European Parliament tomorrow, though. Antonio Tajani, the president of the parliament, has confirmed that the meeting with Zuckerberg will be streamed online live after the CEO accepted the request.

“We’re looking forward to the meeting and happy for it to be live-streamed,” Facebook said in a statement. The live stream will be available on the European Parliament website from 12 PM ET tomorrow.


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