With Nintendo experiencing a surprising amount of success with the release of the NES Classic and SNES Classic mini consoles, it wasn’t surprising to see other companies hop on board with similar mini releases of their own. So that begs the question, will Sony or Microsoft follow suit?

We don’t know what Microsoft’s plans are, but as far as Sony is concerned, it seems that the company has discussed the idea of a PlayStation Classic. This is according to a report from Mantan Web in which Sony Interactive Entertainment’s CEO John Kodera revealed that the company had discussed internally the idea of a PlayStation Classic.

He states that the company is “always digging up past assets and he adds, “I think there are various ways to do [a classic console]. There have been discussions happening [within the company] on what kind of ways are there.” However he stopped short of actually saying where those discussions might have led, such as whether Sony has decided that maybe they won’t move forward, or if they will be launching such a console in the near future.

In any case we suppose we have no choice but to wait and see if a PlayStation Classic will be launched, but in the meantime what do you guys think of such a device? And more importantly, what kind of games would you like to see on it?

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