If you don’t have a lot of plans this weekend, maybe fire up that console or gaming rig and play Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft has confirmed that this title is going to be free to play over the weekend on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Those who haven’t played this title as yet can take advantage of this free weekend and take the title for a spin over the break.

Ubisoft has also confirmed that during this free Rainbox Six Siege weekend, the version that players will be able to access contains all of the maps, modes, and operators available in the full paid version of the game.

Those who are interested in taking advantage of this free weekend can now pre-load the game on PC only. Pre-load isn’t available for players on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Another caveat is that while Xbox owners don’t need Xbox Live Gold to access the title, PS4 owners will need a PlayStation Plus subscription.

As is the case with all free weekends, any progress made throughout the weekend will carry over if the player decides to purchase Rainbow Six Siege once the time is up. Rainbow Six Siege will thus be free to play from May 17th-20th and all versions of the game will be available for 50 percent off with the exception of the Starter Edition.

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