Last year Bethesda announced that in addition to launching Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch, they would also be launching DOOM and Wolfenstein II. The former has since been released but last we checked, Bethesda claimed that they were still working on polishing on Wolfenstein II.

The good news is that fans will not have to wait much longer because in a trailer announcement published on YouTube, Bethesda has confirmed that Wolfenstein II will be arriving on the Switch come 29th of June. This means that fans of the franchise will have about 2 months of waiting to do before they will be able to get their hands on the game.

According to Bethesda’s description, “As renowned hero BJ Blazkowicz, you’ll set out to take back America from Nazi reign with your band of freedom fighters — that is if General Engel doesn’t stop you first. You are the Nazi’s number one enemy, and the only thing standing in their way from a global takeover — no pressure, right? With an arsenal of powerful weapons to dual-wield, unusual contraptions, and your trusty hatchet, nothing will stop you from liberating America.”

From what we can tell from the trailer, the game looks pretty good, although it’s hard to tell what resolution or frame rates we might be looking at. However if you love the idea of being able to play on the go then we suppose this could be a title worth looking forward to.

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