In terms of classic video game franchises on the Nintendo Switch, Konami brought Super Bomberman R which was one of the Switch’s launch titles. However last year we heard that Konami was interested in reviving more classic franchises, such as Castlevania, and the good news is that they have, sort of.

Konami has recently announced the latest Castlevania title in the form of Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls. However this will not be a title designed for consoles, instead it seems that it will be an iOS-exclusive title that will be launched in Japan later this year. It also seems to be a multiplayer/co-op version of Castlevania where players are encouraged to play with their friends in co-op or competitive sessions.

The game will also introduce new characters to the game and while there is no mention, it appears that it could be a free-to-play title with the possibility of microtransactions, which in today’s mobile gaming landscape hardly comes as a surprise. We’re sure that gamers would have much preferred seeing a brand new, full-blown Castlevania title launch on consoles, but in the meantime we suppose this will have to do.

However like we said the game’s initial launch seems to be in Japan with no mention on whether we might be able to expect it stateside.

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