Apple has in the past been known to be very tight-lipped and secretive about upcoming products, but in recent times it seems that there are more leaks than ever. In fact in what seems to be irony, a report from Bloomberg has revealed a leaked memo that Apple has sent to its employees warning them about leaking information to the public.

While the irony might be delicious to some, what’s interesting is that in the memo, it revealed that in 2017 Apple caught at least 29 leakers resulting in 12 of them being arrested. The memo also warned that getting caught and fired could have a negative impact on their future as well. “These people not only lose their jobs, they can face extreme difficulty finding employment elsewhere.” Unsurprisingly Apple declined to comment on the leaked memo.

In the memo, Apple also outlined situations in which the information was leaked to the media. This included a meeting earlier this year where Apple exec Craig Federighi told employees that planned iOS features would be delayed, and also a yet-to-be-released software package that details an unreleased iPhone X and the new Apple Watch.

Apple isn’t alone in dealing with leaks because as we have seen in the past, pretty much every company out there is subject to leaked information. This can sometimes be due to long and complex supply chains where it might be hard to control what information is released, and where it might have come from.

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