This is according to a report from Game Informer who spotted a tweet by Realtech VR who announced the cancellation of the remasters. The tweet was later deleted and replaced with another tweet which says that the company will be working on augmented reality and virtual reality, and that they will not be committed on third-party licenses anymore (for those unfamiliar Realtech VR was the developer that was supposedly tasked with the remasters).
It is unclear as to what prompted the sudden change, perhaps creative differences, or maybe they decided it was no longer worth their time and energy, but either way it looks like for now the Tomb Raider 1-3 remasters are off the table. It is possible that maybe Square Enix could seek out another developer to remaster them, but until we hear otherwise perhaps it’s best not to get your hopes up.
In the meantime if you’re not too fussed about graphics quality, the original Tomb Raider titles are available on Steam that you can check out and relive some of the glory days, if you so choose to.