Due to Facebook’s recent privacy gaffe, companies such as Mozilla have decided to pull their ads from the platform. It looks like Mozilla is not alone in this because in an announcement by Sonos, it seems that the audio company has also decided to take their ads down from the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Instagram.

According to Sonos, “Big digital platforms offer us incredible opportunities to personalize and contextualize the advertising we deliver to you. But with the power of those capabilities comes a great responsibility that can’t be neglected. That’s why—starting on Monday—we will pull our advertising from Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Twitter for a week and make a donation to support RightsCon, a digital rights conference created by our Listen Better grantee Access Now.”

However as Sonos points out, this will only be temporary as ads and social media is expected to resume after a week. As to why not make it permanent, Sonos claims, “We have found Facebook, Instagram, and other online platforms to be incredibly effective ways to reach our customers and to share our mission as a company—Not to mention stay in touch with friends and family in our personal lives.”

They add, “The gesture we are making this week, while small, is meant to meaningfully support the growth of an ecosystem of groups working solely for the social good when it comes to tech. We believe that our industry—and society as a whole—will be healthier if companies like Sonos and Facebook exist in an ecosystem that includes a vibrant activist community focused on advancing the social good.” In the meantime companies such as Tesla have pulled their Facebook pages, although whether or not this is permanent remains to be seen.

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