The #deletefacebook movement has been picking up a lot of steam recently after the social network’s data abuse scandal broke. The movement calls on users to delete their Facebook accounts in protest but the social network has been trying to calm users by reiterating the steps it’s taking to ensure that a scandal of that sort doesn’t happen again. Playboy, yes that Playboy, isn’t convinced and it has decided to delete its official Facebook accounts.

In a statement issued to the press today, Playboy Enterprises says that for years it has been difficult for the company to “express our values” on Facebook due to the social network’s content and policy guidelines.

“We have been faced with the only alternative being to alter Playboy’s voice in order to meet Facebook’s views of what is and is not appropriate on its platform,” it adds.

The company says that the recent report about the mismanagement of users’ data has solidified the company’s decision to suspend its activity on Facebook at this time. It’s deactivating all accounts that are managed by Playboy Enterprises which have a combined reach of more than 25 million. Playboy says that it does not want to be complicit in exposing its users to the reported data mismanagement practices.

Despite deleting its entire Facebook presence, Playboy’s Instagram account remains active, even though that photo-sharing network is owned by Facebook. Elon Musk also chose to keep the Instagram pages of SpaceX and Tesla even though he had their official Facebook pages deleted after a challenge on Twitter.

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