You may have heard the news about a data leak that was recently confirmed by Facebook. The company has offered its explanation and says that it plans to take concrete steps to ensure that something like this never happens again but a #deletefacebook movement is picking up steam online as its users are not happy with the way this has been handled. Now, it appears that some advertisers are having second thoughts as well. Mozilla has announced that it’s halting its Facebook advertising campaigns.

Mozilla says in a post on its official blog that following this entire episode, it has taken a closer look at Facebook’s current default privacy settings and it feels justified in doing so given that it supports the platform with its advertising spend.

The company mentions that while there’s more to learn about these settings, it has found that the current default settings still leave access open to a lot of data particularly related to settings for third-party apps.

It expresses confidence that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will follow through on his promise to improve the privacy settings and offer more data protections to users. Mozilla says it will reconsider its decision to halt its Facebook advertising campaigns once Facebook takes stronger action in how customer data is shared and beefs up the default privacy settings for third-party apps.

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