For those unfamiliar, Kirby Star Allies is the latest in the Kirby franchise by Nintendo. The game appears to be rather straightforward and we guess if we had to compare it to more modern titles, Cuphead would be a good example. The game will allow players to meet “friends” in the game who will join your party.
Also given Kirby’s ability to copy/steal powers of other characters, these party members also acts as a way for gamers to change up their skills as and when needed. Naturally given that this is a Nintendo game, there will be support for multiplayer where players can play together locally. There will also be support for amiibos where gamers can earn additional illustration pieces when pairing the amiibo with the game.
That being said unlike Cuphead, reviews have found that Kirby Star Allies isn’t exactly the most challenging of games which is more or less in line with previous Kirby releases. This means if you wanted something really challenging you might be disappointed, but if you’re looking for something lighthearted and fun, especially if you’re looking for something to play with your kids or younger siblings, Kirby Star Allies could be worth checking out.