Facebook has been dealing with the fallout from the data abuse scandal that broke about a week ago. The company is now embroiled in legal and regulatory hurdles as forums such as the Congress and the UK parliament hound the company for answers. Facebook also said that it would do more to prevent something like that from happening again and that it would make it easier for users to access privacy tools. The company today announced that its privacy tools are now easier to find.

Facebook has redesigned its entire settings menu on mobile devices from top to bottom so that users can easily find privacy options. The settings are no longer spread across almost 20 different screens rather they are accessible from a single place. The outdated settings have been cleaned up as well so that users can easily see what information can and can’t be shared with apps.

The new Privacy Shortcuts menu provides users with more control over their data and clearer explanations of how these controls work. It’s from this menu that users can add more layers of protection to their account such as two-factor authentication, review what they’ve shared and delete it if required, manage ad preferences, and manage things like who sees their posts.

Facebook has also introduced Access Your Information today, it’s a new way for users to access and manage their information including posts, comments, reactions, and things they have searched for. It’s from here that they can delete anything from their timeline or profile.

Facebook promises to share more in the coming weeks regarding the measures it promised to take last week.

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