Given how big video files are, it would require users to have massive memory cards if they want their home security cameras to be recording 24/7. Alternatively this data could be stored in the cloud by the companies who sold the system, which unfortunately does come with a cost. However August is sweetening the deal for its customers.

The company has announced that owners of its Doorbell Cam Pro and Doorbell Cam will be given 24 hours worth of video recording storage. What this means is that video captured by either device and stored on August’s servers can be up to 24 hours and that it will be free storage as well. This is versus other companies who typically require users to have a paid subscription for video storage.

According to Jason Johnson, CEO of August Home, “We believe video recording is such an important feature for video doorbells that we are adding 24 hours of video recording, for free, with both of our Doorbell Cams. Now if you miss a motion notification or experience a porch pirate walking off with a package from your doorstep, you can access and review the stored video from the August app.”

However this is only for 24 hours worth of storage, which means that if you wanted to record more than just the entire day, you will need to pay to upgrade to a different plan, such as the Premium Video Recording subscription which stores videos up to 30 days and is priced at $4.99 a month.

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