Video editing is a skill because you don’t always need to include all the footage that you’ve recorded, just the important ones that you feel will add to the narrative. However this is a skill that is typically acquired over time, but if you don’t think you have the patience or time, not to worry.

Parrot has recently updated its FreeFlight Pro mobile app and has included a new feature called “Flight Director”. With this new feature, it will be able to take the footage recorded by your drone and edits it into a complete video. This is based on algorithms that study the drone’s behavior and will look at several criteria while putting together the final footage which will be up to 3 minutes in length.

However the Flight Director feature isn’t free and there will be a “trial” version of sorts that lets you create 15 second “best of” clips for free, but if you want the full 3 minutes, you’ll have to pay for the full version which comes in the form of an in-app purchase. Also given that Parrot is behind the app, you will also need to own the Parrot Bebop 1, 2, or Power drone for this to work.

However if you do own the drones and wouldn’t mind paying for the feature, then head on over to the iTunes App Store or Google Play to get your hands on the latest update to the app.

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