During the Super Bowl, a short Avengers: Infinity War trailer was released. For the most part, the trailer didn’t show us anything new and more or less confirmed every superhero that will be taking part in the movie. It also seemed to have potentially revealed a cameo of a superhero that has yet to be officially announced.
Now for those who hate spoilers of any kind and want to avoid knowing anything about the movie, now’s your chance to look away (and you’ll probably also not want to watch the trailer above). However if you don’t really care so much about potential spoilers, then read on.
According to the eagle-eyed fans on Twitter, it seems that at one point in the movie there is a mysterious person standing behind Captain America, and upon closer inspection, it is revealed that the person behind Captain America could be none other than Captain Marvel herself. This was theorized to be the case as the imagery in the back is similar to the costume that Captain Marvel typically wears.
We know that Marvel is working on a Captain Marvel movie and just last the costume for the character was revealed, although not in the same blue, red, and gold colors that fans are familiar with. However it is possible that the Captain Marvel movie could be about the superhero’s early days, and that in Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel would have since transitioned to her familiar costume.
This is similar to Wonder Woman who made her debut appearance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, before she later got own her movie which acted as a prequel of sorts. In any case it is possible that maybe fans are reading too much into this, but what do you guys think?