Telegram, a popular encrypted messaging application, is no longer available on the iOS App Store. Apple has removed the main app as well as the new Telegram X app from the App Store. It’s not that the company is opposed to apps like these because Telegram has long been available for iOS devices. Apple seems to have taken this action because some “inappropriate content” was made available to Telegram users on iOS.

This is what Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has said. Telegram was alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to users which is why both Telegram and Telegram X have been removed from the App Store. “Once we have protections in place we expect the apps to be back on the App Store,” Pavel said on Twitter.

Telegram emerged on the scene back in 2013 and quickly gained popularity because it offered end-to-end encryption. Most popular messaging services now offer this level of security but it was a rarity when Telegram was first launched and that’s one of the main reasons why it became popular.

It’s not clear at this point in time what inappropriate content was shown to users which caused Apple to remove both apps. It’s also unclear how long it will take the company to build the protections which will enable its apps to be approved for listing on the App Store again.

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