Initially pegged for a launch in 2017, Microsoft later delayed the release of Age of Empires: Definitive Edition to 2018 where it was set for a 20th of February release. The good news is that if you were looking forward to the game, you’ll be pleased to learn that the game has since been released.

However it should be noted that Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is only available exclusively via the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 computers. This means that for those running on older versions of Windows, like Windows 7 or Windows 8, it looks like you guys will be out of luck if you were hoping to get your hands on it.

However hopefully many of you guys would have already upgraded to Windows 10, and if you have you will be able to purchase the game for $20. For those learning about the game for the first time, Age of Empires: Definitive Edition isn’t a new title in the Age of Empires franchise, but a remaster of the original classic.

Naturally this will include visual upgrades, such as higher-resolution textures and 4K support. There will also be improvements made to the game, such as better unit pathfinding, better animations, increased population limit, and more. There will be support for multiplayer either via LAN or over Xbox Live.

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