To a certain extent the conspiracy theorists were right about Apple, and that the company was indeed slowing down its older iPhones. While Apple’s explanation is plausible, we suppose some of the frustration users are feeling is the fact that this was done without their knowledge or permission, but that could change soon.

During an interview with ABC News (via 9to5Mac), Apple’s CEO Tim Cook revealed that in a future iOS update, users will be able to disable the performance throttling feature. While this is good news, it might also lead to potential problems. For those unfamiliar, Apple introduced the performance throttling feature after it was discovered that older, degraded iPhone batteries did not play nicely with the power required to run an iPhone, which in some cases led to iPhones unexpected shutdowns and reboots.

This means that should users choose to disable the throttling, they should get back full CPU and GPU performance, but also leave themselves open to the problem we highlighted above. However we suppose allowing users to choose how they want to use their phone is probably a better idea than simply implementing a fix without the user’s knowledge, even if it could be argued that it’s for the betterment of everyone.

Apple has apologized for the way they handled the situation and has offered battery replacements at a discounted rate of $29. The company also stated that a future iOS update will make it easier for users to see the health of their iPhone’s battery to determine if it could be affecting their handset’s performance.

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