In a report from Motherboard, Wehe is an app designed by developer David Coffnes in which it was created to test whether or not certain services are being “net neutral”. The app will test download speeds from different services over your network and attempt to find out if there is any differences in terms of speed.
Should one service be faster/slower than the other, it could be a potential sign of a net neutrality violation where maybe one company could be paying your carrier/ISP in order to be given more bandwidth. What you do with this information is up to you, such as switching to a different carrier that might be more “fair”, or maybe even lodging a complaint with the FTC.
That being said, it should be noted that Apple had initially banned the app from being released on the App Store, claiming that the app had no “direct benefits” to the user. However Apple quickly changed their minds and after a discussion with Coffnes, in which he described as “very pleasant”, the app has since been allowed back in.
Image credit – Jason Koebler/Motherboard