In case you didn’t know, users could access the iTunes App Store via the web interface, at least for most apps. The information displayed is more or less a mirror of what you would see on your phone, where it would show screenshots, the app size, the developer, pricing, and any in-app purchases that might be associated with it.
This information has not changed and will still be present in the web App Store, but as you can clearly see in the screenshot above, Apple has quietly made changes to the way it looks. It sports a more modern layout and it seems that Apple has removed the sidebar information. Instead everything is placed front and center, with the screenshots placed prominently, followed by the app’s description, the changelog, and reviews.
Of course given that most apps tend to be downloaded via our phones as opposed to going through the web App Store interface, we’re not sure if these changes will be appreciated by most, but it’s good that Apple is at least keeping it consistent.