If you were thinking of grabbing yourself a new phone for the holidays, you’ll want to move fast especially if you’re hoping for it to be delivered on time. If you’re also looking to save some money, it seems that Google is feeling the Christmas spirit because they have discounted both the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL.

The Pixel 2 is normally priced at $649 for the 64GB model if you were to buy it from Google directly. However it seems that the handset is now listed for $599 which is a savings of $50. As for the Pixel 2 XL, the handset is normally priced at $850, but it is now priced at $775 which results in a savings of $75 which actually makes it a pretty good deal.

Note that both of these variants are the 64GB model, so if you wanted the 128GB model you’ll have to top up an extra $100, but otherwise those are the savings you can expect. Those prices can be further reduced with trade-ins, but if you don’t plan on trading in your phone then that’s the cheapest it gets from Google.

We’re not sure how long this deal will last, so if you want to get in on it before it expires, head on over to Google’s website for the details.

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