Can you remember what you were doing when you were 6 years old? Chances are you were probably still playing with your toys, going to school, and hanging out with your friends, and that’s what 6-year old Ben Hampton does as well, with one massive exception which is that for a 6-year old, Hampton commands a whopping 670,000 Instagram followers.

So how does a 6-year old manage to rack up that many followers on Instagram, more followers than you and I probably have combined, and then some. Turns out it is thanks to his dad, Branden Hampton who so happens to be pretty savvy when it comes to social media. According to the older Hampton, it started when his wife and Ben’s mother decided to dress their kid up more fashionably.

Speaking to The Daily Beast, “When Ben was born, my wife decided to go all out on clothes. She loves playing dress up and she just decided, ‘I’m not just going to throw OshKosh B’gosh overalls and SpongeBob T-shirts on this kid. I’m going to dress him all out.’” Together with his spiffy outfit and Branden’s social media savvy with captions designed to go viral, it seemed to have worked.

The 6-year old has also managed to get together with YouTuber Jake Paul in a collaboration, thanks to his dad’s connections, which also resulted in a spike in followers. It is pretty crazy when you think about it, but given today’s social media-centric world, not entirely impossible. In fact just recently it was revealed that a 6-year old YouTuber was pulling in as much as $11 million from just reviewing toys.

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