Unfortunately so far it’s starting to look like the Essential Phone isn’t having the same amount of success. It has been recently estimated that only around 50,000 units of the Essential Phone have been sold to date. This is based on the number of installs of the Essential Camera app from the Google Play Store, which admittedly might not necessarily be the most accurate.
However its popularity (or lack of) seems to be in line with an earlier report from several months ago, where it was said that only 5,000 units were sold, although the jump from 5,000 to 50,000 does seem suspect, leading us to conclude that perhaps maybe the actual figure could be potentially higher.
Then again, we have been seeing how Essential has been somewhat aggressively lowering the price of the smartphone, which we can only imagine could be in a bid to encourage sales of a device that might not be selling so well. We suppose only time will tell on how well the phone will perform, but for now the reports don’t seem too upbeat.