Have you ever gotten onto an Uber, reached your destination without incident, but yet somehow walk away with a lower rating than before? Or have you as an Uber driver received a bad rating simply because there were things out of your control, like bad traffic, customers being unnecessarily fussy, and so on?

We’re sure those things have happened to Uber riders and drivers before, but that’s something Uber wants to address. The company has recently announced that they will be tweaking its rating system in a bid to make it more transparent and fair towards both drivers and riders. For example riders will be given descriptions for what level of service correlates with each star, which in turn should help drivers have an idea of which areas they could improve on.

Also Uber has made it so that riders who rate below 5-stars will be asked why they have given a lower rating. Other changes to the rating system includes how things out of a driver’s control will no longer affect a driver’s rating, so for fussy passengers who feel that a traffic jam is somehow the driver’s fault, their feedback won’t have an impact on the driver’s reputation.

Riders who also frequently give out 4-star ratings or below consistently won’t have their feedback counted.

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