The problem with Android is timely updates, where unless you own a Pixel handset, chances are you’ll have to wait months before the next major update finds its way onto your phone, and for those who own devices that are 2-3 years old, there might even be a chance that your OEM could skip on updating your device to the latest version of Android.

This is where Google’s Project Treble comes in, where it is an effort by Google at trying to minimize the delays when it comes to updates. You would think that this is something that many OEMs would be jumping on to, but unfortunately for OnePlus users, that is not the case for the company. During a recent AMA held by the company, OnePlus has confirmed that they are currently not supporting Project Treble on any of their devices, and it doesn’t seem like they plan to.

OnePlus does not provide a reason why they aren’t supporting Project Treble, but it is rather unfortunate. For those unfamiliar with how the update process works, basically Google releases the source code, and from there chipmakers like Qualcomm will then release updated drivers for their hardware and passes that onto the hardware makers, like LG, HTC, Samsung, and so on.

Those companies will then add their own tweaks to the software to customize the UI to their own brand, and sometimes it is then passed onto carriers who then add their own changes, before it is released to users. Safe to say that these are a lot of steps which is why sometimes it takes so long for an update to find its way to users.

With Project Treble, Google wants to cut down on complications when it comes to updating, such as working with chipmakers to ensure their hardware is forwards compatible, thus removing the additional step of waiting for driver updates. Of course this doesn’t necessarily guarantee that updates will be released timely, it does reduce the complications which should in theory make it faster.

That being said, it is rather unfortunate that the current OnePlus phones will not support Project Treble, but who knows, maybe the OnePlus 6 will.

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