Airbus has long been working on an electric-powered vertical take-off and landing aircraft, commonly referred to as a flying car. The European company launched this project called Vahana back in 2016 through its Silicon Valley subsidiary. The project aims to develop a fleet of autonomous and electric-powered multirotor VTOL aircraft capable of flying from rooftop to rooftop in dense cities where traffic jams are a common occurrence. Airbus has released new photos of the project today and revealed that it aims to test the prototype by the end of this year.

Airbus is certainly not the only company that’s working on flying cars. Its main rival Boeing is working on something similar. Even companies like Uber are working on flying cars to launch a completely new kind of taxi service in the coming years.

The photos that Airbus has released today show its Silicon Valley team working on a couple of single-seat, tilt-rotor flying cars. Airbus has revealed that the team is working on a full-scale demonstrator and that the aim is to fly it by the end of 2017.

The team recently moved the prototype from California to a new flight test center located in Pendleton, Oregon. That’s where the first demonstration of this aircraft will be performed.

The team is planning to have a production version of the Vahana ready by 2020.

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